Again, I travelled to England. For the first time since the Brexit vote which I personally took very emotional. I was wondering, what the general mood would be “over there” and how things will be seen and considered….
Again, I travelled to England. For the first time since the Brexit vote which I personally took very emotional. I was wondering, what the general mood would be “over there” and how things will be seen and considered….
Many things have been written in and about London. London is omnipresent in all areas of life, politics and culture. Londoners say „the one who does not like London does not know London!“ Some French instead stated „Si vous n’aimez pas la France, quittez la!“ This is the self-explaining difference ho the Londoners consider themselves in pure reservation even though London is not England and France not Paris. But London is indeed one of my favourite metropolises, if not the most favourite!…